Validation/ValidationTrait.php 1

Type Line Description
error 11 No summary for trait \app\framework\Component\Validation\ValidationTrait

Database/Query/Grammars/Grammar.php 7

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Database\Query\Grammars\Grammar
error 181 Argument $query is missing from the Docblock of compileOrders
error 181 Argument $orders is missing from the Docblock of compileOrders
error 181 No summary for method compileOrders()
error 202 Argument $query is missing from the Docblock of concatenateWhereClauses
error 202 Argument $wheres is missing from the Docblock of concatenateWhereClauses
error 202 No summary for method concatenateWhereClauses()

Database/Schema/Builder.php 1

Type Line Description
error 71 No summary for method dropTable()

TemplateEngine/TemplateEngine.php 4

Type Line Description
error 13 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\TemplateEngine\TemplateEngine
error 17 No summary for method __construct()
error 25 No summary for method getInstance()
error 15 No summary for property $instance

Console/Command/HelpCommand.php 7

Type Line Description
error 17 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Console\Command\HelpCommand
error 21 No summary for method configure()
error 34 Argument $command is missing from the Docblock of setCommand
error 34 No summary for method setCommand()
error 42 Argument $input is missing from the Docblock of execute
error 42 Argument $output is missing from the Docblock of execute
error 19 No summary for property $command

Console/Input/ArgvInput.php 7

Type Line Description
error 76 Argument $values is missing from the Docblock of hasParameterOption
error 76 Argument $onlyParams is missing from the Docblock of hasParameterOption
error 99 Argument $values is missing from the Docblock of getParameterOption
error 99 Argument $default is missing from the Docblock of getParameterOption
error 99 Argument $onlyParams is missing from the Docblock of getParameterOption
error 37 No summary for property $tokens
error 38 No summary for property $parsed

Console/Output/Descriptor/Descriptor.php 15

Type Line Description
error 18 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Console\Output\Descriptor\Descriptor
error 28 Argument $output is missing from the Docblock of describe
error 28 Argument $object is missing from the Docblock of describe
error 28 Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of describe
error 68 Argument $argument is missing from the Docblock of describeInputArgument
error 68 Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of describeInputArgument
error 75 Argument $option is missing from the Docblock of describeInputOption
error 75 Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of describeInputOption
error 82 Argument $definition is missing from the Docblock of describeInputDefinition
error 82 Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of describeInputDefinition
error 89 Argument $command is missing from the Docblock of describeCommand
error 89 Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of describeCommand
error 96 Argument $kernel is missing from the Docblock of describeApplication
error 96 Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of describeApplication
error 23 No summary for property $output

Storage/Disk/DiskInterface.php 2

Type Line Description
error 11 No summary for interface \app\framework\Component\Storage\Disk\DiskInterface
error 18 No summary for method __construct()

Route/Route.php 10

Type Line Description
error 13 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Route\Route
error 25 Argument $path is missing from the Docblock of get
error 25 Argument $callback is missing from the Docblock of get
error 25 No summary for method get()
error 61 Argument $method is missing from the Docblock of respond
error 61 Argument $path is missing from the Docblock of respond
error 61 Argument $callback is missing from the Docblock of respond
error 61 No summary for method respond()
error 66 No summary for method dispatch()
error 15 No summary for property $KleinInstance

Validation/Validation.php 5

Type Line Description
error 48 No summary for method validate()
error 88 No summary for method init()
error 116 Argument $validators is missing from the Docblock of getValidators
error 116 No summary for method getValidators()
error 39 No summary for property $validators

Console/Output/Formatter/OutputFormatter.php 20

Type Line Description
error 11 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Console\Output\Formatter\OutputFormatter
error 17 Argument $decorated is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 17 Argument $styles is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 17 No summary for method __construct()
error 68 Argument $decorated is missing from the Docblock of setDecorated
error 68 No summary for method setDecorated()
error 73 No summary for method isDecorated()
error 78 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of setStyle
error 78 Argument $style is missing from the Docblock of setStyle
error 78 No summary for method setStyle()
error 83 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of hasStyle
error 83 No summary for method hasStyle()
error 88 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of getStyle
error 88 No summary for method getStyle()
error 100 Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of format
error 151 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of createStyleFromString
error 184 Argument $text is missing from the Docblock of applyCurrentStyle
error 13 No summary for property $decorated
error 14 No summary for property $styles
error 15 No summary for property $styleStack

Cookie/Cookie.php 15

Type Line Description
error 60 No summary for method getValue()
error 70 No summary for method setValue()
error 79 No summary for method getName()
error 87 No summary for method setName()
error 96 No summary for method getExpire()
error 104 No summary for method setExpire()
error 110 Argument $cookieName is missing from the Docblock of getFromExistingCookie
error 110 No summary for method getFromExistingCookie()
error 119 No summary for method update()
error 125 No summary for method validate()
error 21 No summary for property $name
error 23 No summary for property $value
error 25 No summary for property $expire
error 27 No summary for property $path
error 29 No summary for property $encrypt

EventManager/EventManager.php 1

Type Line Description
error 35 No summary for property $eventProcessor

StdLib/StdObject/StringObject/StringObjectException.php 1

Type Line Description
error 24 No summary for property $messages

Database/Query/Expression.php 1

Type Line Description
error 11 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Database\Query\Expression

Database/Migrations/Commands/MakeMigration.php 6

Type Line Description
error 19 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Database\Migrations\Commands\MakeMigration
error 56 No summary for method configure()
error 66 Argument $input is missing from the Docblock of execute
error 66 Argument $output is missing from the Docblock of execute
error 66 No summary for method execute()
error 21 No summary for property $template

Stopwatch/StopwatchEvent.php 5

Type Line Description
error 231 No summary for method __toString()
error 25 No summary for property $periods
error 30 No summary for property $origin
error 35 No summary for property $category
error 40 No summary for property $started

Route/Klein/Route.php 2

Type Line Description
error 94 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 94 Name of argument $name does not match with the DocBlock's name $count_match in __construct()

Console/Input/InputInterface.php 2

Type Line Description
error 11 No summary for interface \app\framework\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface
error 54 Argument $definition is missing from the Docblock of bind

Database/Model/Console/MakeModelCommand.php 6

Type Line Description
error 19 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Database\Model\Console\MakeModelCommand
error 34 No summary for method configure()
error 46 Argument $input is missing from the Docblock of execute
error 46 Argument $output is missing from the Docblock of execute
error 46 No summary for method execute()
error 21 No summary for property $template

Encryption/Crypt.php 5

Type Line Description
error 12 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Encryption\Crypt
error 14 Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of encryptString
error 14 No summary for method encryptString()
error 23 Argument $payload is missing from the Docblock of decryptString
error 23 No summary for method decryptString()

Validation/Validators/GreaterThanOrEqual.php 1

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Validation\Validators\GreaterThanOrEqual

Validation/Validators/GreaterThan.php 1

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Validation\Validators\GreaterThan

Database/Query/Builder.php 15

Type Line Description
error 123 Argument $query is missing from the Docblock of selectRaw
error 123 Argument $bindings is missing from the Docblock of selectRaw
error 123 No summary for method selectRaw()
error 128 Argument $values is missing from the Docblock of insert
error 128 No summary for method insert()
error 169 Argument $query is missing from the Docblock of insertRaw
error 169 Argument $bindings is missing from the Docblock of insertRaw
error 169 No summary for method insertRaw()
error 174 Argument $query is missing from the Docblock of updateRaw
error 174 Argument $bindings is missing from the Docblock of updateRaw
error 174 No summary for method updateRaw()
error 179 Argument $query is missing from the Docblock of deleteRaw
error 179 Argument $bindings is missing from the Docblock of deleteRaw
error 179 No summary for method deleteRaw()
error 25 No summary for property $connection

Console/Kernel.php 14

Type Line Description
error 36 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Console\Kernel
error 442 Argument $definition is missing from the Docblock of setDefinition
error 442 No summary for method setDefinition()
error 587 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of splitStringByWidth
error 587 Argument $width is missing from the Docblock of splitStringByWidth
error 587 No summary for method splitStringByWidth()
error 38 No summary for property $defaultNamespaces
error 44 No summary for property $commandLoader
error 45 No summary for property $singleCommand
error 46 No summary for property $defaultCommand
error 47 No summary for property $definition
error 48 No summary for property $isInitialized
error 49 No summary for property $catchExceptions
error 50 No summary for property $terminal

StdLib/ValidatorTrait.php 2

Type Line Description
error 20 Argument $var is missing from the Docblock of is
error 20 No summary for method is()

Validation/Validators/MaxLength.php 1

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Validation\Validators\MaxLength

StdLib/Exception/Exception.php 1

Type Line Description
error 13 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\StdLib\Exception\Exception

Console/Output/Formatter/OutputFormatterStyleInterface.php 1

Type Line Description
error 50 Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of setOptions

Validation/Validators/Phone.php 1

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Validation\Validators\Phone

Console/Exception/NamespaceNotFoundException.php 1

Type Line Description
error 11 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Console\Exception\NamespaceNotFoundException

EventManager/EventManagerException.php 2

Type Line Description
error 13 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\EventManager\EventManagerException
error 19 No summary for property $messages

StdLib/StdObject/ArrayObject/ManipulationTrait.php 6

Type Line Description
error 60 Argument $i is missing from the Docblock of useGlue
error 60 Argument $length is missing from the Docblock of useGlue
error 60 Argument $glue is missing from the Docblock of useGlue
error 60 No summary for function \app\framework\Component\StdLib\StdObject\ArrayObject\useGlue()
error 14 No summary for trait \app\framework\Component\StdLib\StdObject\ArrayObject\ManipulationTrait
error 256 No summary for method rand()

Database/Schema/Blueprint.php 7

Type Line Description
error 47 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 47 No summary for method __construct()
error 55 No summary for method getTable()
error 63 No summary for method getColumns()
error 35 No summary for property $engine
error 40 No summary for property $charset
error 45 No summary for property $collation

Database/DB.php 9

Type Line Description
error 31 Argument $query is missing from the Docblock of insert
error 31 Argument $bindings is missing from the Docblock of insert
error 31 No summary for method insert()
error 36 Argument $query is missing from the Docblock of update
error 36 Argument $bindings is missing from the Docblock of update
error 36 No summary for method update()
error 42 Argument $query is missing from the Docblock of delete
error 42 Argument $bindings is missing from the Docblock of delete
error 42 No summary for method delete()

Storage/StorageEvent.php 5

Type Line Description
error 45 Argument $file is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 45 No summary for method __construct()
error 64 No summary for method getStorage()
error 38 No summary for property $file
error 43 No summary for property $storage

Console/Helper/Helper.php 11

Type Line Description
error 13 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Console\Helper\Helper
error 48 Argument $secs is missing from the Docblock of formatTime
error 48 No summary for method formatTime()
error 76 Argument $memory is missing from the Docblock of formatMemory
error 76 No summary for method formatMemory()
error 90 Argument $formatter is missing from the Docblock of strlenWithoutDecoration
error 90 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of strlenWithoutDecoration
error 90 No summary for method strlenWithoutDecoration()
error 95 Argument $formatter is missing from the Docblock of removeDecoration
error 95 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of removeDecoration
error 95 No summary for method removeDecoration()

Database/Model/Model.php 3

Type Line Description
error 20 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Database\Model\Model
error 95 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of fillData
error 95 No summary for method fillData()

Validation/Validators/LessThan.php 1

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Validation\Validators\LessThan

Console/CommandLoader/CommandLoaderInterface.php 2

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for interface \app\framework\Component\Console\CommandLoader\CommandLoaderInterface
error 36 No summary for method getNames()

Validation/Validators/MinLength.php 1

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Validation\Validators\MinLength

Console/Output/Formatter/OutputFormatterStyle.php 7

Type Line Description
error 165 Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of setOptions
error 18 No summary for property $availableForegroundColors
error 30 No summary for property $availableBackgroundColors
error 42 No summary for property $availableOptions
error 50 No summary for property $foreground
error 51 No summary for property $background
error 52 No summary for property $options

StdLib/StdObject/UrlObject/UrlObject.php 6

Type Line Description
error 26 No summary for property $value
error 28 No summary for property $scheme
error 29 No summary for property $host
error 30 No summary for property $port
error 31 No summary for property $path
error 32 No summary for property $query

Console/Exception/CommandNotFoundException.php 1

Type Line Description
error 11 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException

Storage/File/FileInterface.php 2

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for interface \app\framework\Component\Storage\File\FileInterface
error 91 No summary for method getAbsolutePath()

Console/Output/Descriptor/ApplicationDescription.php 15

Type Line Description
error 15 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Console\Output\Descriptor\ApplicationDescription
error 38 Argument $kernel is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 38 Argument $namespace is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 38 Argument $showHidden is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 38 No summary for method __construct()
error 48 No summary for method getNamespaces()
error 61 No summary for method getCommands()
error 77 No summary for method getCommand()
error 85 No summary for method inspectApplication()
error 19 No summary for property $kernel
error 20 No summary for property $namespace
error 21 No summary for property $showHidden
error 26 No summary for property $namespaces
error 31 No summary for property $commands
error 36 No summary for property $aliases

Database/Migrations/Migration.php 1

Type Line Description
error 11 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Database\Migrations\Migration

Console/Helper/DescriptorHelper.php 3

Type Line Description
error 15 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Console\Helper\DescriptorHelper
error 22 No summary for method __construct()
error 20 No summary for property $descriptors

Console/Command/KeyGenerateCommand.php 5

Type Line Description
error 20 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Console\Command\KeyGenerateCommand
error 22 No summary for method configure()
error 37 Argument $input is missing from the Docblock of execute
error 37 Argument $output is missing from the Docblock of execute
error 37 No summary for method execute()

Console/Command/Command.php 25

Type Line Description
error 81 Argument $input is missing from the Docblock of execute
error 81 Argument $output is missing from the Docblock of execute
error 81 No summary for method execute()
error 89 No summary for method getKernel()
error 97 No summary for method setKernel()
error 188 No summary for method getName()
error 197 No summary for method setName()
error 209 No summary for method getSignature()
error 217 No summary for method setSignature()
error 228 No summary for method setHidden()
error 238 No summary for method isHidden()
error 246 No summary for method getDescription()
error 255 No summary for method setDescription()
error 280 No summary for method getHelp()
error 288 No summary for method setHelp()
error 22 No summary for property $name
error 23 No summary for property $kernel
error 24 No summary for property $signature
error 25 No summary for property $description
error 26 No summary for property $definition
error 27 No summary for property $ignoreValidationErrors
error 28 No summary for property $help
error 29 No summary for property $code
error 30 No summary for property $hidden
error 31 No summary for property $aliases

Database/Manager.php 17

Type Line Description
error 106 No summary for method select()
error 113 Argument $query is missing from the Docblock of selectRaw
error 113 Argument $bindings is missing from the Docblock of selectRaw
error 113 No summary for method selectRaw()
error 118 Argument $query is missing from the Docblock of insertRaw
error 118 Argument $bindings is missing from the Docblock of insertRaw
error 118 No summary for method insertRaw()
error 123 Argument $query is missing from the Docblock of updateRaw
error 123 Argument $bindings is missing from the Docblock of updateRaw
error 123 No summary for method updateRaw()
error 128 Argument $query is missing from the Docblock of deleteRaw
error 128 Argument $bindings is missing from the Docblock of deleteRaw
error 128 No summary for method deleteRaw()
error 138 No summary for method table()
error 29 No summary for property $connectionToUse
error 34 No summary for property $ConnectionFactory
error 39 No summary for property $QueryBuilder

StdLib/StdObject/StdObjectInterface.php 2

Type Line Description
error 21 No summary for method __construct()
error 26 No summary for method __toString()

Database/InteractionTrait.php 2

Type Line Description
error 19 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of table
error 19 No summary for method table()

Console/Input/InputArgument.php 6

Type Line Description
error 34 Name of argument $description does not match with the DocBlock's name $default in __construct()
error 34 Name of argument $default does not match with the DocBlock's name $description in __construct()
error 22 No summary for property $name
error 23 No summary for property $mode
error 24 No summary for property $default
error 25 No summary for property $description

ClassLoader/Loader/AbstractLoader.php 1

Type Line Description
error 16 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\ClassLoader\Loader\AbstractLoader

Database/Migrations/Commands/Migrate.php 12

Type Line Description
error 20 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Database\Migrations\Commands\Migrate
error 29 No summary for method configure()
error 38 Argument $input is missing from the Docblock of execute
error 38 Argument $output is missing from the Docblock of execute
error 38 No summary for method execute()
error 60 Argument $output is missing from the Docblock of setMigrations
error 60 No summary for method setMigrations()
error 87 Argument $migration is missing from the Docblock of setMigration
error 87 Argument $output is missing from the Docblock of setMigration
error 87 No summary for method setMigration()
error 22 No summary for property $namespace
error 27 No summary for property $migrations

ClassLoader/ClassLoader.php 6

Type Line Description
error 16 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\ClassLoader\ClassLoader
error 18 No summary for method register()
error 23 Argument $class is missing from the Docblock of getClass
error 23 No summary for method getClass()
error 33 Argument $class is missing from the Docblock of loadClass
error 33 No summary for method loadClass()

StdLib/StdObject/DateTimeObject/DateTimeObject.php 3

Type Line Description
error 16 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\StdLib\StdObject\DateTimeObject\DateTimeObject
error 23 No summary for property $value
error 98 No summary for property $dateTimeFormat

View/View.php 10

Type Line Description
error 15 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\View\View
error 45 Argument $view is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 45 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 45 No summary for method __construct()
error 100 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of assignData
error 100 No summary for method assignData()
error 122 Argument $view is missing from the Docblock of validateViewName
error 122 No summary for method validateViewName()
error 131 Argument $config is missing from the Docblock of getPathFromConfig
error 131 No summary for method getPathFromConfig()

Validation/Validators/GeoLocation.php 1

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Validation\Validators\GeoLocation

Storage/Disk/Disk.php 8

Type Line Description
error 16 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Storage\Disk\Disk
error 66 Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of keyExists
error 66 No summary for method keyExists()
error 74 No summary for method getDriver()
error 89 Argument $conf is missing from the Docblock of validateDisk
error 89 No summary for method validateDisk()
error 20 No summary for property $disk
error 21 No summary for property $Driver

Database/Medoo.php 112

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 37 Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 37 No summary for method __construct()
error 250 Argument $query is missing from the Docblock of query
error 250 No summary for method query()
error 266 Argument $query is missing from the Docblock of exec
error 266 No summary for method exec()
error 282 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of quote
error 282 No summary for method quote()
error 287 Argument $table is missing from the Docblock of tableQuote
error 287 No summary for method tableQuote()
error 292 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of columnQuote
error 292 No summary for method columnQuote()
error 304 Argument $columns is missing from the Docblock of columnPush
error 304 No summary for method columnPush()
error 344 Argument $array is missing from the Docblock of arrayQuote
error 344 No summary for method arrayQuote()
error 356 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of innerConjunct
error 356 Argument $conjunctor is missing from the Docblock of innerConjunct
error 356 Argument $outer_conjunctor is missing from the Docblock of innerConjunct
error 356 No summary for method innerConjunct()
error 368 Argument $column is missing from the Docblock of fnQuote
error 368 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of fnQuote
error 368 No summary for method fnQuote()
error 377 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of dataImplode
error 377 Argument $conjunctor is missing from the Docblock of dataImplode
error 377 Argument $outer_conjunctor is missing from the Docblock of dataImplode
error 377 No summary for method dataImplode()
error 550 Argument $where is missing from the Docblock of whereClause
error 550 No summary for method whereClause()
error 678 Argument $table is missing from the Docblock of selectContext
error 678 Argument $join is missing from the Docblock of selectContext
error 678 Argument $columns is missing from the Docblock of selectContext
error 678 Argument $where is missing from the Docblock of selectContext
error 678 Argument $column_fn is missing from the Docblock of selectContext
error 678 No summary for method selectContext()
error 827 Argument $index is missing from the Docblock of dataMap
error 827 Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of dataMap
error 827 Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of dataMap
error 827 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of dataMap
error 827 Argument $stack is missing from the Docblock of dataMap
error 827 No summary for method dataMap()
error 869 Argument $table is missing from the Docblock of select
error 869 Argument $join is missing from the Docblock of select
error 869 Argument $columns is missing from the Docblock of select
error 869 Argument $where is missing from the Docblock of select
error 869 No summary for method select()
error 914 Argument $table is missing from the Docblock of insert
error 914 Argument $datas is missing from the Docblock of insert
error 914 No summary for method insert()
error 988 Argument $table is missing from the Docblock of update
error 988 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of update
error 988 Argument $where is missing from the Docblock of update
error 988 No summary for method update()
error 1037 Argument $table is missing from the Docblock of delete
error 1037 Argument $where is missing from the Docblock of delete
error 1037 No summary for method delete()
error 1042 Argument $table is missing from the Docblock of replace
error 1042 Argument $columns is missing from the Docblock of replace
error 1042 Argument $search is missing from the Docblock of replace
error 1042 Argument $replace is missing from the Docblock of replace
error 1042 Argument $where is missing from the Docblock of replace
error 1042 No summary for method replace()
error 1082 Argument $table is missing from the Docblock of get
error 1082 Argument $join is missing from the Docblock of get
error 1082 Argument $columns is missing from the Docblock of get
error 1082 Argument $where is missing from the Docblock of get
error 1082 No summary for method get()
error 1131 Argument $table is missing from the Docblock of has
error 1131 Argument $join is missing from the Docblock of has
error 1131 Argument $where is missing from the Docblock of has
error 1131 No summary for method has()
error 1147 Argument $table is missing from the Docblock of count
error 1147 Argument $join is missing from the Docblock of count
error 1147 Argument $column is missing from the Docblock of count
error 1147 Argument $where is missing from the Docblock of count
error 1147 No summary for method count()
error 1154 Argument $table is missing from the Docblock of max
error 1154 Argument $join is missing from the Docblock of max
error 1154 Argument $column is missing from the Docblock of max
error 1154 Argument $where is missing from the Docblock of max
error 1154 No summary for method max()
error 1170 Argument $table is missing from the Docblock of min
error 1170 Argument $join is missing from the Docblock of min
error 1170 Argument $column is missing from the Docblock of min
error 1170 Argument $where is missing from the Docblock of min
error 1170 No summary for method min()
error 1186 Argument $table is missing from the Docblock of avg
error 1186 Argument $join is missing from the Docblock of avg
error 1186 Argument $column is missing from the Docblock of avg
error 1186 Argument $where is missing from the Docblock of avg
error 1186 No summary for method avg()
error 1193 Argument $table is missing from the Docblock of sum
error 1193 Argument $join is missing from the Docblock of sum
error 1193 Argument $column is missing from the Docblock of sum
error 1193 Argument $where is missing from the Docblock of sum
error 1193 No summary for method sum()
error 1200 Argument $actions is missing from the Docblock of action
error 1200 No summary for method action()
error 1223 No summary for method id()
error 1237 No summary for method debug()
error 1244 No summary for method error()
error 1249 No summary for method last()
error 1254 No summary for method log()
error 1259 No summary for method info()
error 1277 Argument $optionsFromConf is missing from the Docblock of fetchOptions
error 1277 No summary for method fetchOptions()
error 25 No summary for property $database_type
error 28 No summary for property $prefix
error 30 No summary for property $option
error 33 No summary for property $logs
error 35 No summary for property $debug_mode

Validation/Validators/Email.php 1

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Validation\Validators\Email

Console/CommandLoader/CommandLoader.php 4

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Console\CommandLoader\CommandLoader
error 70 No summary for method getNames()
error 16 No summary for property $registeredCommands
error 18 No summary for property $defaultCommandPaths

Database/Connection/Connection.php 10

Type Line Description
error 70 Argument $pdo is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 70 Argument $database is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 70 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 70 Argument $conf is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 70 No summary for method __construct()
error 153 No summary for method getName()
error 158 No summary for method getDriver()
error 163 Argument $query is missing from the Docblock of select
error 163 Argument $bindings is missing from the Docblock of select
error 163 No summary for method select()

Exception/Handler.php 3

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Exception\Handler
error 18 Argument $e is missing from the Docblock of handler
error 18 No summary for method handler()

Console/Terminal.php 7

Type Line Description
error 11 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Console\Terminal
error 21 No summary for method getWidth()
error 34 No summary for method getHeight()
error 47 No summary for method initDimensions()
error 13 No summary for property $width
error 14 No summary for property $height
error 16 No summary for property $descriptorSpec

Validation/Validators/CreditCardNumber.php 3

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Validation\Validators\CreditCardNumber
error 144 Argument $number is missing from the Docblock of luhn
error 144 No summary for method luhn()

Console/Output/ConsoleOutputInterface.php 2

Type Line Description
error 26 Argument $error is missing from the Docblock of setErrorOutput
error 26 No summary for method setErrorOutput()

EventManager/EventProcessor.php 1

Type Line Description
error 89 No summary for method orderByPriority()

Validation/Validators/IP.php 1

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Validation\Validators\IP

App/App.php 19

Type Line Description
error 11 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\App\App
error 26 Argument $classMethod is missing from the Docblock of call
error 26 Argument $param is missing from the Docblock of call
error 26 No summary for method call()
error 41 Argument $className is missing from the Docblock of getClassInstance
error 41 No summary for method getClassInstance()
error 49 Argument $class is missing from the Docblock of checkIfClassIsRegistered
error 49 No summary for method checkIfClassIsRegistered()
error 59 Argument $class is missing from the Docblock of registerNewClass
error 59 Argument $method is missing from the Docblock of registerNewClass
error 59 No summary for method registerNewClass()
error 76 Argument $class is missing from the Docblock of callMethod
error 76 Argument $method is missing from the Docblock of callMethod
error 76 Argument $param is missing from the Docblock of callMethod
error 76 No summary for method callMethod()
error 81 Argument $class is missing from the Docblock of validateClass
error 81 No summary for method validateClass()
error 13 No summary for property $defaultNamespaces
error 24 No summary for property $Instances

StdLib/StdObject/StringObject/Inflection.php 9

Type Line Description
error 13 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\StdLib\StdObject\StringObject\Inflection
error 94 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of pluralize
error 94 No summary for method pluralize()
error 121 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of singularize
error 121 No summary for method singularize()
error 17 No summary for property $plural
error 39 No summary for property $singular
error 70 No summary for property $irregular
error 82 No summary for property $uncountable

Console/Command/MakeCommand.php 7

Type Line Description
error 18 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Console\Command\MakeCommand
error 46 No summary for method configure()
error 54 Argument $input is missing from the Docblock of execute
error 54 Argument $output is missing from the Docblock of execute
error 54 No summary for method execute()
error 68 No summary for method createDefinition()
error 20 No summary for property $commandTemplate

Console/Output/ConsoleOutput.php 9

Type Line Description
error 37 No summary for method __construct()
error 59 Argument $decorated is missing from the Docblock of setDecorated
error 68 Argument $formatter is missing from the Docblock of setFormatter
error 77 Argument $level is missing from the Docblock of setVerbosity
error 94 Argument $error is missing from the Docblock of setErrorOutput
error 142 No summary for method openOutputStream()
error 153 No summary for method openErrorStream()
error 29 No summary for property $stderr
error 30 No summary for property $consoleSectionOutputs

Console/Input/InputDefinition.php 18

Type Line Description
error 35 No summary for method __construct()
error 40 Argument $definition is missing from the Docblock of setDefinition
error 40 No summary for method setDefinition()
error 56 Argument $arguments is missing from the Docblock of setArguments
error 56 No summary for method setArguments()
error 83 No summary for method addArgument()
error 146 No summary for method getArgumentCount()
error 188 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of getOption
error 188 No summary for method getOption()
error 212 No summary for method addOption()
error 238 No summary for method getOptions()
error 246 No summary for method getOptionDefaults()
error 25 No summary for property $arguments
error 26 No summary for property $hasAnArrayArgument
error 27 No summary for property $hasOptional
error 28 No summary for property $requiredCount
error 29 No summary for property $options
error 30 No summary for property $shortcuts

Console/Input/Input.php 16

Type Line Description
error 23 Argument $definition is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 23 No summary for method __construct()
error 36 Argument $definition is missing from the Docblock of bind
error 78 Argument $interactive is missing from the Docblock of setInteractive
error 94 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of getArgument
error 105 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of setArgument
error 105 Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of setArgument
error 116 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of hasArgument
error 132 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of getOption
error 143 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of setOption
error 143 Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of setOption
error 154 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of hasOption
error 18 No summary for property $definition
error 19 No summary for property $options
error 20 No summary for property $arguments
error 21 No summary for property $interactive

Storage/Storage.php 10

Type Line Description
error 27 Argument $diskName is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 27 No summary for method __construct()
error 36 Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of keyExists
error 36 No summary for method keyExists()
error 41 No summary for method getDriver()
error 46 No summary for method getDisk()
error 51 Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of getURL
error 51 No summary for method getURL()
error 218 No summary for method getRecentKey()
error 25 No summary for property $disk

Storage/Driver/AbsolutePathInterface.php 1

Type Line Description
error 23 No summary for method getAbsolutePath()

Encryption/Encrypter.php 9

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Encryption\Encrypter
error 30 Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 30 Argument $cipher is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 30 No summary for method __construct()
error 109 Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of encryptString
error 109 No summary for method encryptString()
error 120 No summary for method decrypt()
error 140 Argument $payload is missing from the Docblock of decryptString
error 140 No summary for method decryptString()

Console/Command/FramyVersionCommand.php 5

Type Line Description
error 15 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Console\Command\FramyVersionCommand
error 17 No summary for method configure()
error 23 Argument $input is missing from the Docblock of execute
error 23 Argument $output is missing from the Docblock of execute
error 23 No summary for method execute()

Validation/ValidationException.php 1

Type Line Description
error 13 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Validation\ValidationException

Console/Output/Formatter/OutputFormatterStyleStack.php 10

Type Line Description
error 12 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Console\Output\Formatter\OutputFormatterStyleStack
error 20 Argument $emptyStyle is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 20 No summary for method __construct()
error 37 Argument $style is missing from the Docblock of push
error 49 Argument $style is missing from the Docblock of pop
error 82 Argument $emptyStyle is missing from the Docblock of setEmptyStyle
error 82 No summary for method setEmptyStyle()
error 92 No summary for method getEmptyStyle()
error 17 No summary for property $styles
error 18 No summary for property $emptyStyle

StdLib/StdObject/UrlObject/UrlObjectException.php 1

Type Line Description
error 22 No summary for property $messages

Console/Command/ListCommand.php 3

Type Line Description
error 18 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Console\Command\ListCommand
error 46 Argument $input is missing from the Docblock of execute
error 46 Argument $output is missing from the Docblock of execute

EventManager/EventListener.php 7

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\EventManager\EventListener
error 25 No summary for method getHandler()
error 33 No summary for method getMethod()
error 41 No summary for method getPriority()
error 18 No summary for property $handler
error 19 No summary for property $method
error 20 No summary for property $priority

Route/Config.php 7

Type Line Description
error 11 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Route\Config
error 15 Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of set
error 15 Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of set
error 15 No summary for method set()
error 19 Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of get
error 19 No summary for method get()
error 13 No summary for property $registry

Console/Command/MakeController.php 6

Type Line Description
error 18 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Console\Command\MakeController
error 31 No summary for method configure()
error 41 Argument $input is missing from the Docblock of execute
error 41 Argument $output is missing from the Docblock of execute
error 41 No summary for method execute()
error 20 No summary for property $controllerTemplate

Validation/Validators/MacAddress.php 1

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Validation\Validators\MacAddress

StdLib/StdObject/ArrayObject/ValidatorTrait.php 5

Type Line Description
error 11 No summary for trait \app\framework\Component\StdLib\StdObject\ArrayObject\ValidatorTrait
error 26 Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of keyExists
error 26 No summary for method keyExists()
error 31 Argument $keys is missing from the Docblock of keysExist
error 31 No summary for method keysExist()

Database/Connection/ConnectionFactory.php 3

Type Line Description
error 15 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Database\Connection\ConnectionFactory
error 97 No summary for method createPdoInstance()
error 142 No summary for method createConnection()

StdLib/Exception/AbstractException.php 4

Type Line Description
error 13 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\StdLib\Exception\AbstractException
error 56 Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 56 Argument $params is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 56 No summary for method __construct()

StdLib/SingletonTrait.php 1

Type Line Description
error 18 No summary for property $wfInstance

Stopwatch/Stopwatch.php 4

Type Line Description
error 28 No summary for method __construct()
error 36 No summary for method getSections()
error 21 No summary for property $sections
error 26 No summary for property $activeSections

Validation/Validators/Required.php 1

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Validation\Validators\Required

ClassLoader/Loader/Psr0.php 2

Type Line Description
error 20 Argument $class is missing from the Docblock of findClass
error 20 No summary for method findClass()

Database/Schema/Column.php 14

Type Line Description
error 30 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 30 Argument $type is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 30 No summary for method __construct()
error 18 No summary for property $name
error 19 No summary for property $type
error 20 No summary for property $value
error 21 No summary for property $length
error 22 No summary for property $scale
error 23 No summary for property $comment
error 24 No summary for property $collation
error 25 No summary for property $isAutoIncrement
error 26 No summary for property $isNull
error 27 No summary for property $isPrimaryKey
error 28 No summary for property $isUnsigned

Validation/Validators/Password.php 6

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Validation\Validators\Password
error 16 No summary for method getName()
error 21 Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of validate
error 21 Argument $params is missing from the Docblock of validate
error 21 Argument $throw is missing from the Docblock of validate
error 21 No summary for method validate()

Database/Schema/Schema.php 5

Type Line Description
error 45 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of drop
error 45 Argument $connection is missing from the Docblock of drop
error 45 No summary for method drop()
error 68 Argument $connection is missing from the Docblock of init
error 68 No summary for method init()

Stopwatch/Section.php 5

Type Line Description
error 85 No summary for method getId()
error 25 No summary for property $events
error 30 No summary for property $origin
error 35 No summary for property $id
error 40 No summary for property $children

StdLib/StdObject/DateTimeObject/DateTimeObjectException.php 2

Type Line Description
error 13 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\StdLib\StdObject\DateTimeObject\DateTimeObjectException
error 25 No summary for property $messages

Console/Output/Descriptor/DescriptorInterface.php 1

Type Line Description
error 13 No summary for interface \app\framework\Component\Console\Output\Descriptor\DescriptorInterface

StdLib/StdObject/StringObject/StringObject.php 1

Type Line Description
error 33 No summary for property $value

Validation/Validators/Number.php 1

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Validation\Validators\Number

StdLib/StdObject/StdObjectTrait.php 1

Type Line Description
error 16 No summary for trait \app\framework\Component\StdLib\StdObject\StdObjectTrait

Console/Output/ConsoleSectionOutput.php 21

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleSectionOutput
error 25 Argument $verbosity is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 25 Name of argument $verbosity does not match with the DocBlock's name $sections in __construct()
error 25 The type hint of the argument is incorrect for the type definition of the @param tag with argument $verbosity in __construct()
error 25 Argument $decorated is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 25 Name of argument $decorated does not match with the DocBlock's name $sections in __construct()
error 25 The type hint of the argument is incorrect for the type definition of the @param tag with argument $decorated in __construct()
error 25 Argument $formatter is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 25 Name of argument $formatter does not match with the DocBlock's name $sections in __construct()
error 25 The type hint of the argument is incorrect for the type definition of the @param tag with argument $formatter in __construct()
error 25 No summary for method __construct()
error 65 No summary for method getContent()
error 73 Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of doWrite
error 73 Argument $newline is missing from the Docblock of doWrite
error 94 Argument $numberOfLinesToClearFromCurrentSection is missing from the Docblock of popStreamContentUntilCurrentSection
error 117 Argument $text is missing from the Docblock of getDisplayLength
error 117 No summary for method getDisplayLength()
error 16 No summary for property $content
error 17 No summary for property $lines
error 18 No summary for property $sections
error 19 No summary for property $terminal

Storage/File/File.php 6

Type Line Description
error 17 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Storage\File\File
error 122 No summary for method getContent()
error 166 No summary for method getAbsolutePath()
error 21 No summary for property $storage
error 22 No summary for property $key
error 23 No summary for property $timeModified

Console/Input/InputOption.php 7

Type Line Description
error 37 Name of argument $description does not match with the DocBlock's name $default in __construct()
error 37 Name of argument $default does not match with the DocBlock's name $description in __construct()
error 23 No summary for property $name
error 24 No summary for property $shortcut
error 25 No summary for property $mode
error 26 No summary for property $default
error 27 No summary for property $description

StdLib/StdObject/ArrayObject/ArrayObject.php 5

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\StdLib\StdObject\ArrayObject\ArrayObject
error 24 No summary for method __construct()
error 33 No summary for method first()
error 41 No summary for method last()
error 18 No summary for property $value

Validation/Validators/LessThanOrEqual.php 1

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Validation\Validators\LessThanOrEqual

Cookie/CookieTrait.php 7

Type Line Description
error 11 No summary for trait \app\framework\Component\Cookie\CookieTrait
error 13 Argument $cookieName is missing from the Docblock of createCookie
error 13 Argument $cookieValue is missing from the Docblock of createCookie
error 13 Argument $expire is missing from the Docblock of createCookie
error 13 Argument $path is missing from the Docblock of createCookie
error 13 Argument $encrypt is missing from the Docblock of createCookie
error 13 No summary for method createCookie()

Storage/Directory/Directory.php 9

Type Line Description
error 17 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Storage\Directory\Directory
error 191 Argument $filter is missing from the Docblock of parseFilter
error 191 No summary for method parseFilter()
error 208 No summary for method loadItems()
error 21 No summary for property $key
error 22 No summary for property $storage
error 23 No summary for property $recursive
error 24 No summary for property $items
error 25 No summary for property $regex

Console/Output/StreamOutput.php 4

Type Line Description
error 37 No summary for method __construct()
error 65 Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of doWrite
error 65 Argument $newline is missing from the Docblock of doWrite
error 27 No summary for property $stream

StdLib/StdObject/StdObjectWrapper.php 1

Type Line Description
error 23 No summary for property $value

Validation/Validators/URL.php 1

Type Line Description
error 15 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Validation\Validators\URL

Encryption/DecryptException.php 1

Type Line Description
error 13 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Encryption\DecryptException

Config/Config.php 5

Type Line Description
error 25 Argument $config is missing from the Docblock of get
error 25 Argument $file is missing from the Docblock of get
error 25 No summary for method get()
error 45 No summary for method getAllData()
error 23 No summary for property $data

StdLib/StdObject/DateTimeObject/ManipulatorTrait.php 1

Type Line Description
error 146 No summary for method parseDateInterval()

Validation/Validators/Integer.php 1

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Validation\Validators\Integer

Storage/StorageException.php 2

Type Line Description
error 13 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Storage\StorageException
error 28 No summary for property $messages

Storage/Driver/Local/LocalStorageDriver.php 1

Type Line Description
error 29 No summary for property $directory

Encryption/Ciphers.php 1

Type Line Description
error 12 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Encryption\Ciphers

Console/Output/Output.php 21

Type Line Description
error 29 No summary for method __construct()
error 36 Argument $messages is missing from the Docblock of write
error 36 Argument $newline is missing from the Docblock of write
error 36 Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of write
error 36 No summary for method write()
error 65 Argument $messages is missing from the Docblock of writeln
error 65 Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of writeln
error 65 No summary for method writeln()
error 70 Argument $level is missing from the Docblock of setVerbosity
error 70 No summary for method setVerbosity()
error 75 No summary for method getVerbosity()
error 80 No summary for method isQuiet()
error 85 No summary for method isVerbose()
error 90 No summary for method isVeryVerbose()
error 95 No summary for method isDebug()
error 103 Argument $formatter is missing from the Docblock of setFormatter
error 116 Argument $decorated is missing from the Docblock of setDecorated
error 116 No summary for method setDecorated()
error 121 No summary for method isDecorated()
error 21 No summary for property $verbosity
error 22 No summary for property $formatter

Stopwatch/StopwatchPeriod.php 3

Type Line Description
error 18 No summary for property $start
error 19 No summary for property $end
error 20 No summary for property $memory

EventManager/Event.php 4

Type Line Description
error 27 Argument $eventData is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 27 No summary for method __construct()
error 24 No summary for property $propagationStopped
error 25 No summary for property $eventData

Database/Connection/Driver.php 14

Type Line Description
error 11 No summary for class \app\framework\Component\Database\Connection\Driver
error 22 Argument $config is missing from the Docblock of mysql
error 22 No summary for method mysql()
error 44 Argument $config is missing from the Docblock of pgsql
error 44 No summary for method pgsql()
error 61 Argument $config is missing from the Docblock of sybase
error 61 No summary for method sybase()
error 78 Argument $config is missing from the Docblock of oracle
error 78 No summary for method oracle()
error 96 Argument $config is missing from the Docblock of mssql
error 96 No summary for method mssql()
error 129 Argument $dsn is missing from the Docblock of parseDsn
error 129 Argument $attr is missing from the Docblock of parseDsn
error 129 No summary for method parseDsn()

Console/Output/Descriptor/TextDescriptor.php 14

Type Line Description
error 30 Argument $argument is missing from the Docblock of describeInputArgument
error 30 Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of describeInputArgument
error 53 Argument $option is missing from the Docblock of describeInputOption
error 53 Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of describeInputOption
error 92 Argument $definition is missing from the Docblock of describeInputDefinition
error 92 Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of describeInputDefinition
error 136 Argument $command is missing from the Docblock of describeCommand
error 136 Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of describeCommand
error 179 Argument $kernel is missing from the Docblock of describeApplication
error 179 Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of describeApplication
error 254 Argument $content is missing from the Docblock of writeText
error 254 Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of writeText
error 290 No summary for method getColumnWidth()
error 313 No summary for method calculateTotalWidthForOptions()