All the routes are located in the routes/web.php
Hello World - Obligatory hello world example
use app\framework\Component\Routing\Router;
Router::get("/", function () {
return "Hello World";
You can also pass a method of your controller. Here:
use app\framework\Component\Routing\Router;
// <class_name>@<method_name>
Router::get("/", "ExampleController@HelloWorld");
Create a route with e.g. get($route, $callback)
or post($route, $callback)
where callback is function ($request, $response)
Below is a list of the public methods in the common classes you will most likely use.
Method | Description |
header($key) | Gets a request header |
cookie($key) | Gets a cookie from the request |
session($key) | Gets a session variable |
param($key, $default = null) | Gets a request parameter (get, post, named) |
params() | Return all parameters |
params($mask = null) | Return all parameters that match the mask array - extract() friendly |
validate($param, $err_msg = null) | Starts a validator chain |
method() | Gets the request method |
method($method) | Checks if the request method is $method, i.e. method(‘post’) => true |
isSecure($required = false) | https? Redirect if $required is true and the request is not secure |
id() | Gets a unique ID for the request |
ip() | Get the request IP |
userAgent() | Get the request user agent |
uri() | Get the request URI |
Gets a request parameter |
Method | Description |
header($key, $value = null) | Sets a response header |
cookie($key, $value = null, $expiry = null) | Sets a cookie |
cookie($key, null) | Removes a cookie |
flash($msg, $type = ‘info’, $params = array() | Sets a flash message |
file($file, $filename = null) | Send a file |
json($object, $callback = null) | Send an object as JSON(p) |
markdown($str, $args, …) | Return a string formatted with markdown |
code($code) | Sends an HTTP response code |
redirect($url, $code = 302) | Redirect to the specified URL |
refresh() | Redirect to the current URL |
back() | Redirect to the referer |
render($view, $data = array()) | Renders a view or partial (NOTE: in the scope of $response) |
layout($layout) | Sets the view layout |
yieldView() | Call inside the layout to render the view content |
onError($callback) | $callback takes ($response, $msg, $err_type = null) |
set($key, $value = null) | |
set($arr) | Set a view property or helper |
escape($str) | Escapes a string |
query($key, $value = null) | |
query($arr) | Modify the current query string |
param($param, $default = null) | Gets an escaped request parameter |
flashes($type = null) | Retrieves and clears all flashes of $type (or all flash messages) |
flush() | Flush all open output buffers |
discard() | Discard all open output buffers |
buffer() | Return the contents of the output buffer as a string |
dump($obj) | Dump an object |
chunk($str = null) | Enable response chunking (see the wiki) |
{callback} ($arg1, …) | Calls a user-defined helper |
{property} | Gets a user-defined property |
[ match_type : param_name ]
Some examples
* // Match all request URIs
[i] // Match an integer
[i:id] // Match an integer as 'id'
[a:action] // Match alphanumeric characters as 'action'
[h:key] // Match hexadecimal characters as 'key'
[:action] // Match anything up to the next / or end of the URI as 'action'
[create|edit:action] // Match either 'create' or 'edit' as 'action'
[*] // Catch all (lazy)
[*:trailing] // Catch all as 'trailing' (lazy)
[**:trailing] // Catch all (possessive - will match the rest of the URI)
.[:format]? // Match an optional parameter 'format' - a / or . before the block is also optional
Some more complicated examples
/posts/[*:title][i:id] // Matches "/posts/this-is-a-title-123"
/output.[xml|json:format]? // Matches "/output", "output.xml", "output.json"
/[:controller]?/[:action]? // Matches the typical /controller/action format