Versioning Scheme
Framy’s versioning scheme follows the conventions of schematic versioning
Version 0
v0.11.1 - 2020-02-14
- Fixed: Check if Middleware group exists falsely throws an exception and fails - see #67
- Fixed: Issue with middleware groups being executed as normal middleware
v0.11 - 2019-12-18
- Changed: class DateTimeObject has been adapted to the general exception handling by removing handle call with just throwing the exception()
- Changed: Command “make:migration”: connection option is now optional
- Changed: Model::freshTimestamp() is now using the datetime helper
- Changed: The year in licence File
- Added: Method DateTimeObject::diff()
- Added: abstract methods val(), keyExists(), count(), isNull(), isInstanceOf(), isArray() in ArrayObject\ManipulationTrait to remove warnings
- Fixed: Issue #62 “Updating database entries via Model doesnt work”
- Fixed: Indentation of config files. (not really a problem but annoying to look at)
- Fixed: Issue #64 “ValidationException not found in Validation Comp.”
- Fixed: Issue #65 middleware groups now work properly
- Deprecated: Query\Builder::isOperatorValid()
v0.10.1 - 2019-09-14
- Fixed: Database: Relation: BelongsToMany: Pivot key relation in the query is now enclosed with “`” see issue #59
v0.10 - 2019-08-27
- Changed: Routing in a way that an exception is shown with more useful trace
- Changed: Moved method
to ArrayObject as difference()
- Added: Classloader: Psr4 autoloading standard
- Added: Helper function datetime()
- Added: Methods to Model class:
, dot()
, divide()
, getKeys()
, getOnlyValues()
, isAccessible()
- New: classloader.php configuration file
v0.9.2 - 2019-08-10
- Fixed: Handling “?” markers in query didn’t work with multiple markers
v0.9.1 - 2019-08-09
- Fixed: Remove param insertion at Grammar::compileUpdate (see issue #50)
- Fixed: Issue with finding changed attributes in Model for Update
v0.9 - 2019-08-07
- Added: Database: Migration: column modifier
- Added: Middleware
- Added: added Middleware config file with default configurations
- Added: Database: Relations
- Added: get_connection_log helper
- New: helper function class_basename
- New: Storage “middleware” configured
- Fixed: Database: Schema: Blueprint created_at & updated_at fields
v0.8.1 - 2019-05-01
- Changed: Cipher key generation command creates now utf-8 encoded string instead of random bytes
- Changed: Adapted some DB interaction to new Query Builder in Auth component
- New: Storage: can now create files
- Fixed: Auth: user should get now authenticated after registration
- Fixed: Auth: Model::performUpdate() now returns true if anny sets have been updated and false on failure
- Fixed: Make commands now work again
- Fixed: Abstract Exception formats now messages correctly
v0.8 - 2019-04-27
- Changed: Moved Database Commands in own directory and set it up in CLI Kernel
- Added: Query Builder
- Added: Model Basically completely new and now super powerful
- Added: Str helper function
- Added:
- New: method Connection::getNeededModel()
- New: method Connection::processInsertGetId()
- Fixed: ArrayObject::flatten() was not working properly
- Fixed: Too manny connections error: Connection Factory manages connections now in a way that only one instance of conn can ever exist
- Removed: $table attribute from Connection::select()
v0.7 - 2019-03-24
- New: Auth component
- New: Localization component
- New:
method in StringObject
- New:
component now only consisting of an session interaction class
- Changed: Routing to new syntax
- Changed: Directory structure
- Changed: Template cache dir is now at
- Added: Smarty function
- Fixed: No Undefined index warning spamming anymore
v0.6 - 2019-02-21
- Fixed: Issue with firing event
- Changed: Database is now firing event on query execution
- Added: Helper functions:
and isDebug()
- Added: Global exception handling by Framy in debug mode
- New: Hashing Component
v0.5 - 2019-02-13
- Added: .editorconfig file
- Changed: File indentation
- Changed: shorter syntax on using validation trait
- Changed: Validation will now actually throw Exceptions
- New: Encryption Component
v0.4.1 - 2019-02-06
- Fixed: “Value must be an array” Exception on firing “ff.database.query_execution” event see #23
- Fixed: Migration works now again -> see #25
- New: Its now possible to only migrate one Migration #26
- New: New command to generate CrypKey #8
- Added: session_start() to bootstrap.php file #24
v0.4 - 2019-01-31
- New: arr() helper function
- New: impode() ArrayObject method
- New: map() ArrayObject method
- New: DB class with methods to run queries
- New: Basic outline for new Database Component
- Deprecated: I’m working on creating my own Database Component so Medoo will be removed as soon as possible.
v0.3.3 - 2019-01-05
- New: Migrate command tells the user if no migrations exist
- New: Migrate command is now telling the user what it does
- Fixed: Query\Builder query bug see #19
- Fixed: Some code smells in the helper file (doesn’t change anything but makes the code cleaner)
v0.3.2 - 2018-11-17
- Added: Better exception handling in
- Added: Handling in case value is not an array
- Changed:
argument in app()
helper function has now empty array as default. What fixed some issues/warnings with that.
- Fixed: unhandled exceptions in
- Fixed: Value in ArrayObject is null if null is given #11
- Removed: middleware directory
- New: Implemented new exception system mostly everywhere
- Fix: Issue with wrong namespace in Make Commands templates
- Fix: Fixed issue with View
- New: Added possibility to use Directory without needing an Disk
- New: Added helper function
to handle Exceptions
- New: Debug mode
- New: added latest version of css Framework Bootstrap to public dir.
- New: added more types in Blueprint
- Fix I am an idiot. (forgot to change versions in config files)
- Fix: missing
- Fix: Issue #2 -
Undefined index: driver
warning should not appear anymore
- Fix: Issue #1 - Spelling of an link in the welcome template
- New: Commands can now be stored in the Component. And are registered via namespace
- New: Database: Migrations
- Fix: The Storage Comp. had some weird issues
- New: Console Comp. Commands with custom usability can be added now
- New: Resource directory. For Compiled files like .sass etc.
- New: Structure in Storage directory
- I moved the code to another GitHub repository because that’s cleaner
- Fix: In some files were an mispronunciation of Framy
- Fix: Removed some unnecessary files
- New: Documentation and API Reference files
- Fix: helper function app() default namespaces had wrong spelling
- Fix: little fetch issue in view
- New: helper function pathTo() gives the path to the project and adds the possibility to add some path
- New: Cookie comp.
- Fix: Issue #12, #13, #14
- New: Fetch support for View comp.
- New: Added EventManagerTrait for Model Comp.
- New: Moved bootstrap file in to bootstrap folder and exported helper in to a separate file
- New: start page template
- New: helper function app, to call methods and store the class instance.
- New: helper function url, to get the URL completely by only entering shit like: /test to
- Fix: Spelling correction
- New: Changed the View Comp. you can now edit template path and compile template path in an new config file (view)
- New: version available in app config file
- Fix: resolved some issues: like an missing semicolon.
- Fix(kind of): some shitty clean up work, like remove empty spaces.
- New: Model component
- New: View comp.
- Changed Database comp.
- Made the Code a little more beautiful
- maybe more I forgot about