
Standard Library


The Standard Library Component contains some useful functions It’s more or less an overpowered helper Component

StdLibTrait & ValidatorTrait

Both contain basic functions like serialize(), unserialize() and basic validators like isEmpty() and many more the usage of them is quite easy and self explaining so no further explanation needed.


The Singelton Trait is an easy way to access your classes.

Example on how to make your class accessable via the trait:

use app\framework\Component\StdLib\SingletonTrait;

class MyClass
    use SingletonTrait;

If you have done this you can access an instance of your class like this:


NOTE: if you use the SingeltonTrait you can’t use the __constructor() method, override init() instead it will be executed once while instantiating the class.


The standard object library is a set of classes that wraps the process of working with some common objects like arrays, strings, URLs and dates into a objective style. The benefit of working with StdObject, instead of native objects, is that you can chain several methods inside one call which improves the speed how you write your code. The code is fully objective and we have also “improved” and “fixed” some of the PHP core functions. Most of the internal classes inside Framy are written using standard objects.


$array = new ArrayObject(['one', 'two', 'three']);
$array->first(); // StringObject 'one'
$array->append('four')->prepend('zero'); // ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four']


$dt = new DateTimeObject('3 months ago');
echo $dt; // 2013-02-12 17:00:36
$dt->add('10 days')->sub('5 hours'); // 2013-02-22 12:00:36


$string = new StringObject('Some test string.');
$string->caseUpper()->trimRight('.')->replace(' test'); // SOME STRING


$url = new UrlObject('');
$url->setPath('search')->setQuery(['q'=>'some string']); //

The easies and most optimal way to use the StdObject library is by implementing the StdObjectTrait.

class MyClass
    use StdObjectTrait;
    public function test() {
        // create StringObject
        $this->str('This is a string');
        // create ArrayObject
        $this->arr(['one', 'two']);

        // create UrlObject
        // create DateTimeObject